Rong Chhun warns about leading a massive demonstration

18 July 2011

Rong Chhun, President of the Cambodian Confederation of Unions (CCU), warns that he will lead an upcoming mass demonstration by workers in August if the government and factory workers continue to refuse to settle with the more than 4,000 workers from the June Textile Co., according to the orders issued by the arbitration council. The workers are demanding for a resolution on their severance and benefit compensations owed to them. During a press conference held in front of more than 300 factory workers at the June Textile Co. at the Sunway Hotel, Rong Chhun warned that worker forces from other factories will join in to support the June Textile workers during a mass demonstration in order to push the government and the factory owners to find a resolution for the workers if there is no immediate resolution on this issue.

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